Travel Tips? Much more. An updated map of the planet. Where are the places where something new is being born? The most spectacular natural, archaeological, artistic cities but so far ignored by the great flows of tourism? The cities reborn or refounded, the closed borders that collapse and open up to the world? Here they are. The Canada, Wonder of the premier superstar Justin Trudeau, countries that want to win on a difficult past such as Colombia or Myanmar . The last frontiers of adventure such as Mongolia , Nepal , Polynesia or the Peruvian Andes .
50 wonderful places to see before they disappear
And Italy ? We find it in the section dedicated to the cities not to be missed – between confirmations like Bordeaux and new entry as Ohrid (How? Do not know where it is?) – with a Tuscan town that is about to become our main cultural laboratory. Find out which … But Italy reappears, surprisingly, also in the section of low cost destinations, with Venice, the most obvious and cartolinata of our icon-cities, but in a new “sharing” look.
Pistoia in 10 moves. Here’s what to visit in the Capital of Culture 2017
Best in Travel 2017 by Lonely Planet – today the Italian presentation of the book – classifies the10 countries, the 10 regions, the 10 cities and the 10 most convenient trips of the coming year and reminds us, on time, at each end of October world is more varied, large, unexplored and capable of surprises than we think. A concept to be kept in mind in what the UN has declared as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism . The ethical journey, respectful of Man and Nature, as an exercise to improve ourselves, and slowly, even the planet that hosts us. To find out more, just scroll through our gallery.